The thighs are comprised of several different groups of muscles. On the front are your quadriceps, which are actually made up of four different muscles, the vastus lateralis (outer quad muscle), vastus medialis (inner quad muscle), vastus intermedius (the muscle in between the lateralis and me...
Select dumbbells of weight you can lift 10 times with good form, ensuring the last three are very challenging to the point you feel you could not lift another rep. From here, either use this same weight to perform eight reps or lower the weight slightly and perform 10 reps. It helps to...
Epinephrine should be injected by the intramuscular route in thevastus lateralismuscle (outer thigh) due to its vasodilator effect in skeletal muscle, which facilitates rapid absorption and pharmacologic effects. In contrast, it acts as a vasoconstrictor in the subcutaneous tissue, potentially delaying ...
Epinephrine should be injected by the intramuscular route in the vastus lateralis muscle (outer thigh) due to its vasodilator effect in skeletal muscle, which facilitates rapid absorption and pharmacologic effects. In contrast, it acts as a vasoconstrictor in the subcutaneous tissue, potentially delayin...
It is possible to safely and accurately administer your injectable medications in the privacy of your home. Safe injection practices protect the patient, the person giving the injection, as well as the environment. The two common types of...
Two relatively easy and accessible sites for intramuscular injection are the vastus lateralis (top outside region of the thigh) or the glut (upper back portion of the thigh, ie, the butt cheek). These aren't the only places that testosterone can be injected, but they are by far the most...