I am using tailwind and trying to implement card component. The code is as below: test123Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Voluptatibus quia, nulla! Maiores et perferendis eaque, exercitationem praesentium nihil....
I would love to have a solution where we can use Tailwind with shadow dom. I think it's a matter of a new vite config, but I have no idea how to do it. I don't know how to handle bundlers :D willjohnathan commented Dec 19, 2022 • edited I use tailwind in the shadow dom...
I am building an interface, all using livewire, alpine and tailwind. I need to lock the body scroll whenever the modal is open, is it even possible, all using alpine?
but this way i can't overwrite them in a child component (that extend TailwindComponent) without repeating the list of all the possible parameters and passing it to parent::__construct(), and that kinda destroy the purpose of the parent class. ...
In addition to Nuxt, we’ll be usingWindiCSS, a “utility-first CSS framework” and a popularTailwindCSSalternative. You can even tell they’re related by their names 😅. WindiCSS integrates smoothly with Nuxt 3, which is why we’ll be using it in this project. All you have to do...
If you’ve been staying in the loop with the latest CSS frameworks, you’ve probably already heard of the newest kid on the block: Tailwind CSS. According to its documentation, “Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.” In practice, this means...
Data—either text, visual, or audio—accounts for the major percentage of a knowledge base. While the data is clearly important, building the infrastructure for it is a humongous and resource-intensive task. An additional server-side application and a database have to be created to handle the...
We'll start by installing TailwindCSS and initializing the library in our project:npm install -D tailwindcss npx tailwindcss init Configuring Template PathsNext, we configure our template paths by adding them to the tailwind.config.js file. The ++ signifies the lines you'll be adding:...
Open your application in your preferred text editor (VSCode, Eclipse, Sublime Text). Navigate to thetailwind.config.jsfile and structure to look like the code block below: // tailwind.config.js /** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */ ...
You can add a shadow! This is an awesome feature the helps your type stand out from the background. Lastly, you can make the text semi-transparent. 7 | Under the graphics tab, you can add icons and graphics if you like. Use the search bar to find just what you want. I added this...