Even if you’re not lucky enough to find a Shiny Pokémon, mass outbreaks are a great way to collect Pokémon materials that can be made into TMs, exchanged for League Points (LP), and used at the Item Printer in Blueberry Academy’s League Club room. Keep in mind that you can o...
While it is honorable for anyone with your wealth to do whatever possible to give back to the community, the community that helped you make your wealth, your history of failed experiments with so-called market-driven, data-based education is well documented. The test and punish, high stakes ...
We advance research in three distinct areas that emphasize different stages of this model. First, our empirical evidence shows how the individual tacit knowledge that inpatriates acquired at HQ is converted into organizational knowledge upon their return to their original subsidiaries. Specifically, we ...
2021). Especially under the influence of COVID-19, universities in many countries have adopted online education methods to prevent the spread of the epidemic (Lin et al.,2021). In contrast to formal online learning, non-formal online learners have more chances ...
marketing’s role pertains to the position of marketing within the firm’s organization, such as the anchoring of corresponding responsibilities (Workman et al.,1998). Given the inherently low level of organization in firms’ infancy, the organizational perspective on marketing’s role may be partic...
berry1986), who do not access homeless services but stay in other temporary forms of accommodation such as the houses of relatives, friends, hostels, or bed and breakfasts. There are millions of people living in makeshift, precarious housing situations who lack complete and reliable access to ...
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused considerable disruptions to economies worldwide [1]. The surge in freight rates and labor market shortages negatively affect the global supply chains [2]. While COVID-19 has determined a change in the climate for business, it has also caused severe social disl...