Thanks in advance for the help, i really apreciate it!! more progress: i added this line to my main.cpp qmlRegisterType<QQmlListProperty<ListModel> >("ListMode",1,0,"listmod"); now i have 2 new errors: C:\Qt\5.4\mingw491_32\include\QtQml\qqml.h:83: error:'staticMetaObject'is...
It would be bad if different cores had conflicting values for the same cache line at the same time. To alleviate this, hardware designers usually guarantee cache coherence to programmers. Cache coherence guarantees that (1) updates to a given cache line in one core are also seen by other cor...
Build command lineSpecifies the command line that builds the project. Enter the name of the compiler (plus any switches or arguments) or the build scripts that you want to use to build the project. Rebuild command lineSpecifies the command line that rebuilds the new project. ...
Use a debugger to set breakpoints with associated actions. For example, in gdb you could set a breakpoint at the beginning and end of each of the functions you want to trace. You can give each of those breakpoints a command to execute, such as: ...
//Make the application visible and give the user control of //Microsoft Excel. app.SetVisible(TRUE); app.SetUserControl(TRUE); Add the following function to AutoProjectDLG.cpp, locating it somewhere before CAutoProjectDlg::OnRun():
To access the streams, we need to read data from the media. The function avformat_find_stream_info does that. Now, the pFormatContext->nb_streams will hold the amount of streams and the pFormatContext->streams[i] will give us the i stream (an AVStream).avformat_find_stream_info(pFormat...
The first time you sign in, you'll have to agree to give the Developer Community app access to your profile. For issues with the C++ compiler, linker, and other tools and libraries, first search the C++ Developer Community page. If you search for your problem, and it hasn't been ...
Since we can define the qualifiers of the now-explicit object parameter, we can choose to take it by value rather than by reference. For small objects, this can give us better runtime performance. In case you’re not familiar with how this affects code generation, here’s an example. Say...
I know I only sell Microsoft365--is that why they just don't give a sh*t? Like 0 Reply Show More tcarternepheletech Copper Contributor to NCesariEP009Feb 21, 2024 NCesariEP009 I had to create a ticket by going to Help+Support icon at the top and...
Edit & run on If you can't get this to compile as C++20 and the error is line 28, put the i variable outside the loop. Last edited on Jan 4, 2021 at 1:25am Jan 2, 2021 at 10:46pm salem c (3700) > I am a beginner in C++ programming. You need to slow down!