how to give matrix as input in matlab to... Learn more about extreme learning machine, predict, disease
MATLAB Online で開く テーマコピー ask the user for three numbers in the form of a vector,[a b c].then tell the user the number of real-valued roots there are for the equation y=a*x^2+b*x+c having the user's values for a,b,c....
Trophy points 1 Activity points 103 Hello.. I am a Beginner in Matlab.. I want to know how to give string as an input.. If I use command, input('Enter a String'); It can accept only integers.. Please suggest few websites to learn programming in MATLAB.. Rega...
Prepare your data for ANFIS training by splitting it into input and output variables. The input variables will be the dates, and the output variables will be the corresponding values. Train the ANFIS model using the"anfis"function in MATLAB. This function allows you to specify the number ...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 functionF = GreenAmp(Ks,hm,t,a,b) F - hm*(a-b)*log(1 + F/(hm*(a-b))) = Ks*t; That will not work: variableFis used but undefined. In order to solve forF,Fmustbe one of the input arguments to the function. ...
The input is time, which then calculates altitude. This value for altitude is then used to get a value for temperature. How do I make this work? The bolded text is what I just added to it and is not working, everything else works on its own. ...
In the above code, "createTabs" is a custom function designed to dynamically generate a specified number of tabs within a tab group based on user input. Each tab created contains a 'Edit Label' and an adjacent editable text field, allowing for customized user interaction wi...
I'm wanting to make a simple fuction that will allow me to input a file name and put out the contents as verables but I cannot get it to store the load function as a verable so I can use it elsewhere in the function. function [x,y] = loadfile(filename) ...
Let's say you have an array of size [a b c] as input to a transposedConv2dLayer. What would be the output based on the stride, crop, and filter-size numbers? 0 Comments Sign in to comment. Sign in to answer this question.Accepted...
Open in MATLAB Online Ran in: If the user enters an expression in the edit field, you can convert it into an anonymous function using a couple of functions. s ='x^2+y'; Make it so it can be called with a vector of values using thevectorizefunction. ...