This oil (added to food daily) may give them all the fatty acids they need, helping them get their shiny coat and healthy skin back. Finally, dogs that have kidney problems may also benefit from flax seed. Add a bit to their food each day and you may see results within a few short ...
When we look into our puppies or newly adopted dogs’ eyes for the first time, it's hard to think about them ever getting older.But as the years pass, we notice the changes that indicate they may be slowing down or things aren’t working quite the way they used to....
Vital Pet LifeFish Oil Skin & Coat Health Liquid Cat & Dog Supplement, 64-fl oz bottle Rated 4.7 out of 5 stars 276Reviews $49.95Chewy Price Probiotic Supplements for Dogs Probiotics are microorganisms that are beneficial to a body’s normal health processes. Probiotics help rebalance the flora...
Just like people, dogs can experience stomach upset that leads to loose stools and diarrhea. Some dogs simply have a sensitive digestive system that causes loose stools, while there are also multiple medical conditions that can be a cause. There are numerous ways to firm up your dog’s poop,...
For some dogs, surgery may be required to adequately address their joint problems. Options can include arthroscopic surgery, a minimally invasive procedure where the joint is inspected and cleaned, as well as joint replacement, if necessary. What Can I Give My Dog for Joint Pain? If your dog...
MCT oil can cause diarrhea in your dog if you give too much. So start slowly and work your way up. Try starting at a quarter tsp for large and medium sized dogs. Olive Leaf Like caprylic acid, olive leaf is believe to break down theCandidacell membrane. Its active antifungal substance ...
Those little buggers are tricky to germinate, but some are coming up, and I am planning to eat every single one roasted exactly this way. Also, don’t let the tops go to waste! Mince them up and they’re a nice, herby accent sprinkled on salads, stirred in soup, with fish, etc....
The most important supplement isfish body oil, such as salmon oil. (Do NOT give liver oil since liver oil contribute too much vitamin D.) Fish body oil supplies Omega-3 fatty acids which provide a lot of benefits to dogs and are hard to find in any diet, whether homemade or commercial...
Use these tips to choose the best food for your Golden Retriever puppy: Check the Protein Content: Puppies need more protein than adult dogs to support their growth, so look for a food that is at least 22% protein. The protein source matters, too. Puppies need animal-based proteins like ...
Do you know what the best natural habit of our dog is? Well, it's their playful nature. Yes, dogs aren't selective at all when it comes to playing. So, you must use this natural habit of your pup for his benefit. Even if you don't have access to a full agility cours...