On the other hand, thebackground-color propertyspecifies the background color of an element. This property encompasses the whole size of the element, including padding and border. However, it doesn’t include margin. Its syntax is:element { background-color: [...
How to Insert a Background Image in HTML If you’d like to set an image as the background of a web page or an HTML element, rather than simply inserting the image onto the page, you’ll need to use the CSSbackground-imageproperty. By u...
Starting in Windows 8.1, background task registration parameters are validated at the time of registration. An error is returned if any of the registration parameters are invalid. Your app must be able to handle scenarios where background task registration fails - for example, use a conditional ...
To start working with background styling, you will first set up the HTML and CSS code that you will work on through the rest of the tutorial. In this section, you will write out all the necessary HTML and some initial CSS styles that will handle layout and set the groundwork for ...
In theSolution Explorerpane, click the HTML file to open it. For example, if the HTML file for your app is named MyApp.htm, then click that file to open it. Add the "msAudioCategory" attribute to the <audio> tag, and set the attribute to eitherCommunicationsorBackgroundCapabaleMediaas...
An app can give the user the impression that it is always running in the background by using a live tile, or by using a live tile with push notifications (other than raw push notifications) from WNS. Your app does not need to be a lock screen app (described later in this topic) or...
.burger-icon > span{background-color:white!important;} You can use any color you need (red, blue, yellow, green), in the above example I used white (#fff) color. It's useful when your header has a dark background color. To see changes remember to disable CSS compression, and clear...
Sahil Shaikh + 2 HTML5 prefers that you use CSS to accomplish this. For instance, you can use the style="" attribute to add an inline style to a tag, or call a style via class or id attributes. In any case, the css property required is: background-image: url("imageURLhere"); ...
Here’s an example of how you mightchange the background color of a specific page: body.page-id-123 { background-color: #FF0000; /* This is red */ } In this example,body.page-id-123isthe CSS selector that targets a specific page– the page with theID of 123. Thebackground-colo...
I'm not satisfied with html plain color background that use "bgcolor". How I could fill the background with width size picture? htmlcss 20th Jun 2018, 5:04 PM Muhammad Fadhil Adha + 7 you can add background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: 300px 100px; to the style after the...