When someone opens a pull request that modifies code that belongs to a code owner, the code owner is automatically requested as a reviewer.You can create the CODEOWNERS file in either the root of the repository or in the docs or .github folder....
Close and delete your Project.Project visibility and accessIn this portion of the unit, you learn how to:Control visibility to your Project. Manage access to your Project. Invite collaborators and change roles. Add a Project to a team. Add a Project to a repository.Control...
if you don't do something that's your "passion"(document on "passion project"), then you will tend to abandon it half way. Another, or possibly the same(?) problem is you might get split or diverted half way through. You need to push through probably (though pivoting is OK) to mak...
Database connections:The mysql database is inside Vagrant instance, and can be accessed via SSH to localhost with a private key file, which is also stored in the repository. There are no security issues with sharing private key or passwords in the project files, as this is lo...
Now that you know how GitHub works, what can you use it for? After reading this section, you should be able to give a valid explanation when asked, “what is GitHub used for?” Software developers use GitHub to create remote, public, or private repositories on the cloud. A repository is...
The steps presume you have already installed Git and done basic configuration (e.g. user email address and name). If you have not done this yet, you can learn how in our guideHow to Install Git and Clone a GitHub Repository. Create a new directory for your Git repository, and change ...
GIT is a distributed version control system that Linus Torvalds created. In this tutorial, we will install GIT, create a repository, and upload it to GitHub.
First, you can select the repository’s owner, which is effectively the admin for the repository. This should already be set to yourself, so you can leave it as-is: Next, you’ll need to give your repository a descriptive and concise name. You may want to name it after the plugin, ...
You can fork a repository on GitHub by navigating with your browser to the GitHub URL of the open-source project you would like to contribute to. GitHub repository URLs will reference both the username associated with the owner of the repository, as well as the repository name. For example,...
It's really easy to set up a build farm following the quick start guide. Hooray! However, this guide configures buildfarm to listen for commands on a public IP port on all network interfaces. Anyone who is able to reach the machine over ...