ASudo Userwith admin rights Now let us jump right in and install Docker Desktop on Ubuntu 22.04 1) Confirm KVM virtualization is enabled To get off the ground, you need to ensure that KVM virtualization is supported. To check if the KVM module is loaded, run the command: $ lsmod | grep...
How to mount a USB drive on Ubuntu Let us follow these steps to mount a USB drive manually to your system: Step1:Plug in the USB drive to an available port. Step2:Run the following command as sudo in your Terminal application in order to check the available storage devices on your syst...
In this article, we’ve shown how to easily upgrade the Linux kernel on the Ubuntu system. There is yet another procedure that we haven’t shown here as it requires compiling the kernel from the source, which is not recommended on production Linux systems. If you’re still interested in c...
In this post, we will show you how to create a sudo user on Ubuntu Linux. Sudo user is a regular user in Linux who has some admin rights to perform administrative task on the system. In Linux, root is the super user who has full admin rights, but it not recommended to give root c...
In order to complete this tutorial, you will need to have a server running Ubuntu, along with a non-root user withsudoprivileges and an active firewall. For guidance on how to set these up, please choose your distribution fromthis list and follow our Initial Server Setup Guide...
In Ubuntu and Kali, this group is usually the sudo group, not to be confused with the sudo command: # Allow members of group sudo to execute any command %sudo ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL This means all members of the admin group have full sudo privileges. To add your user to the admin group...
1. Start a MongoDB shell: mongosh 2. Switch to the admin database: use admin 3. Create a root user by entering the following command: db.createUser({user:"root", pwd:"[password]", roles:[{role:"root", db:"admin"}]})
What is an SSH key fingerprint? Simple: The key’s fingerprint is verified when you try to log in to a remote computer using SSH. When you log into an SSH server for the first time, you’ll see something like that shown below. ...
known repositories, but depending on the app, the instructions may be slightly different. However, the steps will be the same as those for installing the app on a Linux distribution. You can follow the developer steps to install virtually any application, such as VLC, Audacity, web admin, ...
Where USER is a remote username, and SERVER_IP is the IP address of the remote server. Once you successfully enter the remote user’s password, you will get a listing of the /etc/ directory on the remote server. Easy-peasy. SEE:How to Quickly Give Users sudo Privileges in Linux(TechRep...