How to perform a pelvic exam for the sexually active adolescent . Nurse Practitioner , 27 , 28 – 43 . Retrieved from TODO: clickthrough URL to perform a pelvic exam for the sexually active adolescent. Daley Alison Moriarty,Cromwell Polly...
Feeling Medicine thus explores what it means to make good physicians in an era of corporatized healthcare. In the process, it considers the role of simulation and the meaning of patient empowerment in the medical profession, as well as the practices that foster caring commitments between ...
Another tip: Give your vagina a break (meaning no penetration) until the soreness subsides. You may just need to give it some time. It shouldn’t taketoolong for the pain to subside, and if it persists, call your doctor. Why does my vagina hurt after sex? If you have pain after sex...
Your doctor will probably do tests that include apregnancy testand a pelvic exam. They might give you an ultrasound to look at your uterus and fallopian tubes. An ultrasound for ectopic pregnancy is a noninvasive test that uses sound waves to create images of the inside of the uterus. The ...
If there are underlying medical issues, they may need to be treated. Generally, treatment plans for female anorgasmia might include lifestyle changes, therapy, and medication. Speaking with a clinician can give you valuable insight into what next steps may be most appropriate for your specific ...
That is to say, being an early or late bloomer doesn’t give you a hint to when you’ll go through menopause and stop being fertile. Instead, the thing that most strongly drives when you will enter menopause is when your relatives went through it— so talk to the ut...
In February 2008, after investigators had spent months searching for a missing 80-year-old man, they found John Bryant's body. A suspect was already in custody. Establishing Bryant's time of death would be crucial to making a case, however. The answer could be found through knowledge gained...
Psoriatic arthritis (PsA) is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the musculoskeletal system, skin and nails. In addition to peripheral joints, inflamm
Generally,there is no fasting requirement prior to a CT scan, unless a contrast dye is to be used. Your doctor will give you special instructions ahead of time if contrast is to be used and if you will need to withhold food and drink. Notify the technologist if you are pregnant or susp...
MRI– the images can help a physician locate endometrial growths Pelvic Exam– A physician can manually feel for abnormalities such as cysts and growths. However, it is difficult to feel small areas of endometrium unless it has an accompanying cyst. ...