Acquire citizenship through birth. Unlike U.S. citizenship law, being born on Portuguese soil does not immediately imply Portuguese citizenship. Those born to non-Portuguese citizens in Portugal are not automatic citizens unless the parents have been living in Portugal for a minimum of 10 years. I...
Both Portugal and the United States of America allow dual citizenship. If you have lived in Portugal for five years, you can petition for citizenship. You will need to demonstrate your ability to speak Portuguese, just as you would for permanent residence. Becoming a Portuguese citizen automatical...
Don’t be too proud to ask for help. You need some solid advice and expertise to do your due diligence. The passport of your choice should accommodate your business needs, diversification of your investment portfolio, your current taxation status, your citizenship, and that of your family if ...
In most cases, travellers must apply for a visa to enter the Chinese Mainland. While application requirements vary depending on your location and citizenship, there are a few things to note. First, applications for a tourist visa (known as Category L) should be made through a Chinese Appli...
5. **Plan Your Move:** Once your visa is approved and accommodation is arranged, it's time to plan the logistics of your move. Decide whether you'll be shipping your belongings or selling them and buying new items in America. Arrange for moving services if needed and book your travel ...
Welcome to your monthly guide to community events, civic engagement, and volunteer opportunities in Boston’s neighborhoods.
No, but if you can't supply a birth certificate, you must be able to provide either a valid, undamaged passport; a Consular Report of Birth Abroad or Certification of Birth; a Certificate of Naturalization; or a Certificate of Citizenship. If your state issued a birth abstract (a summary...
If you are in the U.S. in illegal immigration status, you will find it very difficult to obtain U.S. citizenship. In fact, in some cases it will prove impossible. Even if you are eligible, you may have to wait 15 years or more, most of this time in your home country. In some ...
Evidence of your financial ability to support yourself during your stay in the United States, such as bank statements and proof of employment Step 3: Submit Your Visa Application Once you gather all of the necessary documents, you need to visitVisaHQ, select your citizenship and travel destinatio...
Cost of Living Adjustment: JPY 2,000-3,000 in selected areas Round-trip economy-class flight ticket from your country of citizenship to Japan. Note: MEXT only covers the international portion of the ticket. You are responsible for all domestic travel costs in your home country and in Jap...