citizen. However, you need to get some paperwork to prove this. What if you were born abroad and only one of your parents was a U.S. citizen at the time? That’s a little trickier. How do you determine if you “acquired” U.S. citizenship at birth through a parent, or if you ...
Both Portugal and the United States allow their citizens to hold dual citizenship. If you are a U.S. citizen and wish to gain dual citizenship with Portugal, you must first choose what channel you will go through to get it. You cannot just "choose" to be a citizen of another country; ...
American citizens can get the same full passport services outside of the United States, through the Overseas Passport Issuance Program. If you are living or traveling outside the United States and can claim a right to U.S. citizenship, you can apply for a passport at any U.S. embassy or...
If you have a criminal history, you must consult an immigration attorney before you apply for U.S. citizenship. A lawyer can help you determine if and when to apply based on your criminal record and advise you of the potential of being placed in removal (deportation) proceedings based on y...
US citizen and non-citizen nationals can transmit their US citizenship to children born abroad.[1] These parents should apply for a Consular Report of Birth Abroad (CRBA) for their child. A CRBA proves ...
Learn everything you need to know to get a student visa that connects you to world-class education at American universities.
Here are the steps you have to follow. First, check if you are eligible for the Lifeline Program; you can do so by visiting “” If eligible, collect all the documents proving your eligibility. ...
First, what does it mean to renounce citizenship? Put simply, renunciation is the voluntary act of giving up your citizenship. Citizenship comes with both rights and responsibilities. Many people who wish to renounce their citizenship may not agree with some of these obligations, such as the requ...
Don’t be too proud to ask for help. You need some solid advice and expertise to do your due diligence. The passport of your choice should accommodate your business needs, diversification of your investment portfolio, your current taxation status, your citizenship, and that of your family if ...
Print and complete Form SS-5, the application for a Social Security card (see Resources). Remember to fill out the form using your child's information. 2Gather documents Gather documents which prove your child's identity and citizenship status. Acceptable proofs of identity include an adoption ...