For today’sSQL Tip, we will see how to get the week number of the year. To get the week number for a specific date or the current date, we can use the DATEPART function. Here is the syntax and an example of using DATEPART to get the the week number Syntax 1 DATEPART(week, <dat...
In SQL, to get the first and last date of the current year, we have different methods based on the database:Let’s have a look at different database systems query:1. Query to get the First and Last Date of the Current Year in MySQLSELECT MAKEDATE(YEAR(CURDATE()), 1) AS first_...
0 Convert int to date in SQL server 0 SQL YEAR(GETDATE()) 0 How to convert int year into valid date format in my stored procedure 1 Error with SQL CONVERT GETDATE() for leap years 0 Converting int to Date 1 Error converting data type varchar to date converting an int yea...
3. Using the YEAR Function to Subtract Dates and Obtain Years STEPS: Enter the formula inD5: =YEAR(B5)-YEAR(C5) PressENTERto see the result:6. Drag down the Fill Handle to see the result in the rest of the cells. Read More:Difference Between Two Dates in Months in Excel Method 4 ...
The CURTIME() function returns the current time in hour:minutes:seconds format. Example 3: Get the Current Date and Time in MS SQL In this example, we’ll walk through how to get the current date and time using Microsoft SQL Server. To get the current date and time of the server that...
Reputation points Hi, Pls give me a soluation for followings in MS SQL , Based on given Month/Year. Given Month: JUN-2022 (it may vary) Expected Result: SQL Server Hi@Ayyappan CNN The key point of your issue is to split the Dates column which contains ',' ...
SELECT YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP); The above returns “2022” as we expected. SQL Datepart Function You can also use the datepart function to get the year from a date. This function feels closely similar to the extract function in Standard SQL. ...
//Your date might be coming from the database. DateTime hireDate = DateTime.Now; //Format the date in your desired format i.e MONTH/YEAR like JAN/11 string formattedDate = string.Format("{0:MMM}/{0:yy}", hireDate).ToUpper(); //Now present it on the UI. Console.WriteLine(fo...
To get promoted in the new year, figure out what skills you need to develop and talk frankly with your boss about your advancement goals.
How to get last day of the month in MySQL by providing month and year as input. Similar example, To get last day of the month by date as input Eg: SELECT LAST_DAY(?) as lastDate Format: Input month and year: '07/2015' Output Result: day /*Eg: 30,31*/ I ...