the Adnyamathanha people, some of whom work there. There’s a daily sunset Welcome to Country ceremony, carried out in traditional Yura Ngawarla language, interpreted into English
One should note in connection with Karma Yoga that it has no place for restless activity. A Karma Yogi must always be alert that the mind does not get mixed up with ambition and so-called “self-expression.” Like the Jnana Yogi he should always ry to eliminate self-consciousness or the ...
Sungtseling—or Ganden Sumtseling Monastery—is also known Guihuasi (Temple of Returning to Norms). It is a large Tibetan Buddhist monastery in Yunnan and is also one of the centers of the Gelug (Yellow) School of Buddhism. Built in 1679, the temple was given its name by the fifth Lama...