then I had an xray about 6 weeks ago, and was told by the doctor there a substantial reduction, and that all I had was a bit of congestion in my lower right lung. It's not gone yet, but I feel so much better and can breathe better. This is a post to tell people about this ...
EOAEverquest Online Adventures(game) EOAEnd of Appointment(various schools) EOAEconomic Opportunities Analysis(Oregon) EOAEarly Operational Assessment EOAEthics Officer Association EOAEast of Adelaide(London, Ontario) EOAEffective On or About EOAEastern Orthopaedic Association ...
And I total get it!! Some days it’s so hard to get out of bed when you’re in so much pain, and feel so so sick. I lI’ve reading your comments on here, and I love that you’re a fellow canadian (I’m in southern Ontario! ) I’ll be keeping you in my thoughts!! Sep...