Learn how to get jobs on Upwork as a new freelancer with these top tips for beginners in 2025.
Having a portfolio of work is really helpful when it comes to getting your first job. I know that sounds a bit backwards—and if you’re saying “Ross, how can you have a portfolio when you haven’t yet had a freelance client?” I get it. ...
It’s built in. It’s unsaid. As a freelancer, you’re often on your own — in a coffee house orhome office— and the people counting on you are far away. Maybe you’ve never even met them in person. So how do you get motivated day after day? How do you get any work done ...
Put your focus on building a reputation for good work, and you'll eventually have to turn down more jobs than you can accept. Step five, join a freelance community. Whatever type of freelancer you are, find ways to connect with others in your field. What are the LinkedIn or Facebook gr...
Either the freelancer or company needs to establish a method for how we'll work together. Ideally, both embrace the structure and we adjust it to optimize the engagement. Let me share the model of how I work with my clients as a way to identify the different fundamental tensions we need ...
You’ve worked part-time as a freelancer while in-between jobs Explain what you’ve achieved When you put together your list of freelance work, keep in mind that employers want to see what you’veachievedwhile working on these projects. ...
The life of a freelancer is an exciting one. You set your own working hours, work from anywhere, and choose who to work for. You're your own boss! However, you're also your own accountant, which isn't as fun. Whether you get paid per hour, per project, or you’re on a ret...
Do not spend months searching for the right freelance writing agency to work for. Our blog will help you find the best online job.
As a freelancer, a business may hire you for one-time gigs or you may get a long-term contract job with a company. These days, the best freelance jobs allow you to work remotely, so you are able towork from home, while traveling, or wherever you have a good internet connection. Occa...
If you're ready to take the plunge and have your poems read by the public at large, head to the next post in this guide and discover some of the top poetry outlets to which you can submit your work.