Downloading Microsoft Word from your iPhone or iPad is the same as android. However, there may be one to two things different in the process. First, you will have to go to the app store to search for “MS Word” and tap the “Get” button. After this, you may need to authenticate ...
There are times when you need to have a PDF translated – when you buy a gadget produced in Japan or China and you have no idea what the manual says – for example. Or maybe you are selling Italian tiles, and you want to translate the brochure of the company whose products you are p...
One last item about queries: Please don’t make your pitch in an attached Word document. I’m not keen on downloading and opening attachments just to read a query. Include the query in the body of the e-mail—please!Now, a few words about how to get your article rejected after...
If your Chromebook device has a touchscreen, you can also copy and paste using the following method. However, be warned that it can be somewhat difficult to get the hang of, and it might be easier to use your keyboard or touchpad instead. ...
Use !help to get a list of debugger commands. For more information on SOS, see the June 2004 Bugslayer column. If you subtract the size of the SimpleClass instance (36 bytes) from the overall size of the object graph (72 bytes), you should get the size of the str—that is, 36 ...
I tossed together a little program to demonstrate the error:snipsnipsnip1 #include <iostream> 2 #include <string> 3 using std::wstring; 4 using std::cout; 5 wstring 6 world() 7 { 8 wstring whirled(L"whirled!"); 9 return whirled; 10 } 11 int main() 12 { 13 cout << L"hello,...
Step 1.Open the PDF file that you want to print with Preview. Step 2.Click "File" > "Print" on the toolbar. Then click the drop-down menu below the Orientation button and select the "Layout" option. Step 3.Hit the "Two-Sided" box to select "Long-edge binding" or "Short-edge ...
The idea here is that, because people will occasionally fog out and need to get back on the bus, you need to provide some landmark places where you're announcing that it's a good time to get back on. So I might, in this talk, say something about this being my outline. The first...
First off, it’s important to recognize that according to popular lore, MongoDB actually gets its name from the word “humongous.” Whether that bit of Internet trivia is true or not, it serves to underscore that MongoDB isn’t built to provide the exact same feature set as your average...
How to format a cover letter signature At theend of your cover letter, include your signature with specific formatting. The signature has three parts: A sign-off (such as “Sincerely,” or “Best Regards,”) Your signature (handwritten for print letters or typed for digital submissions) ...