Next, use shop towels to soak up any water from carpets and seats. It’s always better to use cloth rather than paper towels for this step, because cloth towels are much more absorbent. Cloth towels also reduce waste since you can reuse them. Really press the towels into the carpet and ...
Use paper towels or an old rag to blot the spot with cold water. You’ll want to absorb as much of the cat pee as possible from the carpet. If you’ve got an extracting wet vac on hand, feel free to use that on the cold setting. Do not scrub the carpet, that will just make ...
3. Introduce Your Cat to the Clippers The look of clippers isn’t usually what sets a cat off or causes them to distrust them. It is more likely the sound that they make when cutting. Get the clippers out and let your cat investigate them. If they sniff the clippers, give them a tr...
I recommend checking the bunks’ stability every time you take the boat off the trailer. Bringing your boat from the house to the water can loosen the bunk and roller bracket screws because of vibrations and impact forces. You might hit potholes and other road imperfections. Performing frequent ...
Vacuum the floor and carpet religiously. Keep leftover foods stored in tightly-sealed containers. Use airtight kitchen bins. Ants can use their antenna to detect food from a far distance.Reduce moisture and dampnessMake sure there isn’t any pool of water (big or small) around the house. ...
3. Introduce Your Cat to the Clippers The look of clippers isn’t usually what sets a cat off or causes them to distrust them. It is more likely the sound that they make when cutting. Get the clippers out and let your cat investigate them. If they sniff the clippers, give them a tr...
First, put down your plant pots where they will be when you’re done so you can ensure all the tubing is the proper size to get water to where it needs to be. You will have to redo this part later if you change the number of plants or how they are positioned. That’s not a hu...
Presents information from Frank Thomas, senior technical director of the United States golf Association on how golfers can construct a Stimpmeter on their living room carpet. How to use the Stimpmeter.Golf Digest
fast urbanization of the 21st century, and do it without sanitary plumbing, sewer infrastructure or a water source. They might even be able to mine our waste for valuable elements like phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium and separate solid and liquid waste in order to use them to make things ...
To make sure you get every last particle of the popular condiment off your garments, carpet, and upholstery, you will need to: act fast have a dull knife or a spoon at hand use a high-qualitylaundry detergent. Below, we’ll tell you how to remove ketchup stains from your washable and...