After earning a degree, vet techs must receive their certification, license, and meet registration requirements. These requirements vary from state to state. How to Become a Vet Tech: A Step by Step Guide If you have a passion for animals, you can become a vet tech and help them live hap... What made you decide to become a vet tech? Bertholf: I decided to become a veterinary technologist because I always had a love for animals and I really enjoy working with my hands, problem-solving and being part of team. Ironically enough, I was enrolled and scheduled ...
complete a two-year associate’s degree program, while veterinary technologists must complete a four-year bachelor’s degree program. Upon completing these educational requirements, vet-techs must obtain a license, registration or certification as required by the state in which they intend to practice...
Technology is both the greatest improvement toproductivityand the Achilles' heel of professionals exhausted by the need to keep up with it. Like it or not, being tech savvy has enormous benefits for your career development. With so many tools, the hesitation is often knowing where to start. B...
6. Litter Boxes Will Need to Be Replaced As They Get Scratched Up: Scratches in the plastic harbor bacteria and smell. Find out how often you should replace your cat's litter boxes and how to clean them well Cat Behavior Issues Caused by the Wrong Litter Box You might be surprised to...
Vet TechRequest Info Vet AssistantRequest Info Vet Office ManagerRequest Info Pet GroomerRequest Info Dog TrainerRequest InfoSponsoredWhat is the Job Outlook for Pet Groomers? The beautiful thing about working in an industry that involves pets is that there’s always going to be some kind of dema...
If you don’t have the budget to get a headshot taken by a professional photographer, the camera on your smartphone will also do the trick. “Have a friend take a photo of you in professional clothing and in good lighting using the portrait mode on your phone. Then, crop it so that...
National Decertification Index(NDI) 7. Don’t forget about training. The background investigation process is nuanced, and it is important to ensure training is comprehensive and ongoing. Agencies must understand important and evolving hiring factors s...
Explore how to become a DevOps engineer, learn essential DevOps skills, and understand job requirements to kickstart your career in DevOps.
ve seen house-soiling cases caused by liners. Cats do a lot of digging in the box. Those liners can get caught up on their claws, which doesn’t feel natural. They pull up on the liner, and litter shifts around. It’s not ideal. Why give them reasons not to use the litter box...