With the release of the 2.0 update for Cyberpunk 2077, a new opportunity has emerged for players – the acquisition of armed vehicles. However, the high price of such cars has become a barrier fo...
As an open-world game,Cyberpunk 2077gives you a ton of options when it comes to exploring the Night City. 'V' does have access to a couple of rides in the game but we think getting your hands on the iconic Porsche 911 in the game is the way to go if you want to ride in style...
While the Outlaw may not be as fast as the Caliburn, it is still one of Night City’s corp class’s sleeker rides. Technically a limousine, the Outlaw will still be able to hit speeds of 186 mph. Unlike the vehicles previously mentioned, the Outlaw will have to be purchased outright. ...
A convenient and vanilla-friendly way to purchase vehicles in Cyberpunk 2077 is through the Virtual Car Dealer Mod, which adds a store to V's PC.
From V's initial vehicle on any path to the Rayfield Caliburn,Cyberpunk 2077has many vehiclesthat can be positively affected by the Better Vehicle Handling mod. Specifically, the mod allows players to accelerate and decelerate faster, which makes a lot of difference as players navigate through ...
Iconic weapons in Cyberpunk 2077 can be found at various levels based on your progression, and they can be upgraded or crafted into better versions. While their base damage and DPS may vary due to two random effects, their unique attribute remains unchanged. ...
Cyberpunk 2077 ending: Trust Arasaka (default) This is the default choice and there are no requirements you need to meet to get this ending. While on the Nocturne Op55N1 mission, choose "Think trusting Arasaka's risky but worth it," to go with this ending. Johnny isn't happy with ...
Now respeccing your perks is totally free to do on the fly as you please. Cyberpunk 2077 lifepaths: Which to choose Cyberpunk 2077 map: What you need to know Cyberpunk 2077 romance options: Get busy in Night City Cyberpunk 2077 cars: Race around Night City Cyberpunk 2077 builds: Best...
Grimes' location in Cyberpunk 2077 (Image credit: CD Projekt Red) A little while into the game you'll get a call from a 'mysterious woman', asking you to meet her at the No-Tell Motel. This will trigger a Side Job called 'Violence', which is described as followed: "Unknown number,...
Additionally, some of the perks can be improved in order to improve their performance. You can't buy more advanced attributes before developing the "parent" attribute. Experience and street cred In Cyberpunk 2077, experience and street cred points are earned separately and can be awarded (in ...