It will help your case if you can get you car appraised after the damage is repaired, especially by a licensed appraiser, recommends Time magazine'sNextAdvisorwebsite. Knowing the exact current value of the vehicle will help you when making a diminished value claim, according to theJohn Foyla...
If you put less than 20% down when you purchased your home, you likely had to get private mortgage insurance. Your lender should drop the PMI requirement once the balance on your mortgage dips to 80% of the home’s original appraised value or its current market value. The average annual ...
Vehicle Documentation-If the business you are buying comes with vehicles, then you will have to transfer its ownership with the local DMV. Here, thus, you will have to ensure that all the right and relevant forms are completed by the time of sale. ...
Many insurance companies say they’ll pay for “repair or replacement” of damaged or stolen jewelry, but make sure to get specifics about how those payments will work. Ask the company: Will the policy pay if I damage or lose my jewelry by accident? Will the policy cover my jewelry if ...