Compare files in Command Promptcomp To Start File Transfer Protocol (FTP) program at the MS-DOS promptftp Launch Driver Verifier Utilityverifier Open Local Security Policy Editorsecpol.msc To get Volume Serial Number for C: drivelabel Open Migration Wizardmigwiz ...
Step 2:Navigate to the following registry path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop Step 3:Look for the entry named'LogPixels'in the right pane. If it doesn't exist, right-click in the right pane, select'New'>'DWORD (32-bit) Value', name itLogPixels, and pressEnter. ...
@{Name=TEST;Value=uppercase},@{Name=Test;Value=titlecase}}PipeHow:\Blog>$TestList|Group-ObjectName-CaseSensitiveCountNameGroup---1test{@{Name=test;Value=lowercase}}1TEST{@{Name=TEST;Value=uppercase}}1Test{@{Name=Test;Value=titlecase}} As keys in a ...
Each field also has a field type, which is in this case INT, REFERENCE, and REFERENCE, respectively. Each REFERENCE field also indicates the referenced type, which for our reference fields above default to String and SetOfActor. The possible field types are: INT: An integer value up to 32...
Double-click theDefaultUserNamestring and enter your user name or email address in theValue datafield. ClickOK. Create a new string value namedDefaultPasswordby right-clicking, selectingNew, thenString Value, and naming itDefaultPassword.
In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following path by copying and pasting it into the address bar and pressingEnter: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer Right-click on theExplorerfolder underPolicies, selectNew, and then chooseDWORD (32-bit) Value. ...
Click on the 'PropertyBag' key. In the right pane, double-click 'ThisPCPolicy'. Change the 'Value data' from 'Show' to 'Hide' and click 'OK'. Step 4:Refresh File Explorer. Close and reopen File Explorer to see that the folder is now hidden under 'This PC'. To restore the...
Step 2:In Registry Editor, navigate to the following location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Search Step 3:In the right pane, find and double-click theSearchboxTaskbarModeDWORD value. Step 4:Change theValue datato0and clickOK. ...
Step 1:In the Registry Editor, navigate to the following path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced Step 2:Look for theTaskbarDaDWORD value in the right pane. If it doesn't exist, right-click on theAdvancedkey, selectNew, and chooseDWORD (32-bit) Va...
Once installed, you need to run the Teams app with administrator rights to get full access to the features. But don't open Outlook as an administrator, doing so will interfere with COM add-ins. Then, open the Teams app and sign in with the same account as Outlook. ...