In Matlab GUI, without using GUIDE tools, I am trying to get user input out of an edit text field and use it in a different function. This user input will be used as parameters for a graph that will be define in the other function. I have tried doing this by using the handle of ...
Open in MATLAB Online With Matlab App designer, I used "inputdlg" to input space-separated values (e.g. 1 2 3) to upload an array of [1 2 3] to the program. However, when I push the APP to the web app server, it gives error message that inputdlg does not work with the web...
This article will see how to get user input and assign it to a variable in a Bash script. In Bash, we use the read command to read input from the user. Example: echo"Tell me your name: "readfullnameecho"Hello, "$fullname Output: ...
@eviatar: (2,2) isnotan example for a 2 by 2 matrix. Threrfore "uitable(2, 2)" is not a running Matlab command and if you try to run it, an error appears. If you run something else, note that we cannot guess this when all we see is failing code. ...
There are two ways to get user input in JavaScript, depending on whether you want input from the browser or NodeJS. This guide will help you learn both. Getting User Input From the Browser Console To require user input from the browser, you must use theprompt()method provided by the brow...
MATLAB Online에서 열기 functionDiscriminant (a) a = input('Enter the value of a: '); b = a*2 fprintf('The value of b is: %i', b) end This is an example of the code I am going to use. I want there to be a prompt for a user to enter a value of a, and in...
Open in MATLAB Online you can use input instead of fscanf, and enter scalar, vector or matrix : ThemeCopy a=input(' Player 1: '); 0 Comments Sign in to comment. Image Analyst on 30 Jan 2014 Vote 0 Link See the example for inputdlg() in the help for that function. 0 Commen...
I'm wanting to make a simple fuction that will allow me to input a file name and put out the contents as verables but I cannot get it to store the load function as a verable so I can use it elsewhere in the function. function [x,y] = loadfile(filename) ...
In the following script when I am trying to get sheet name from user byinputdlgas string to use forxlsreadgives me the error: Error using xlsread (line 146) Sheet argument must be a string scalar, a character vector, or an integer. ...
Long ago and far away, I was a frequent MATLAB user for Engineering applications. Fast forward a few decades and as a Transportation Tech faculty member, I am using many of the Simscape models to reinforce learning that is difficult, or very expensive, to explore in...