I want to share a video in facebook through c#.the following code is working fine.But the access token which i used here is dynamic.so i need a static access token. string UserAccessToken = "EAACEdEose0cBAPmGpJXPITMiL***Iogiku8kH9QgzC3pMbmmAca4ORDyVSPvc0sZAItmcKpInK3MjSJ8coNthVXjKG...
10. Extend the validity or expiration of your token by following our tutorial here:https://www.sociablekit.com/how-to-extend-the-page-access-token/ 11.Go back to theSociableKIT dashboard.Edit your Facebook page events widget. Paste the token in the “Page Access Token” field. Click the...
If I am supposed to use the access token, how am i supposed to put it in the query? The email address is the vital information as my system identifies user by email address. 解决方案: You need following permission from user to get the data from Facebook. user_birthday for birthday em...
As the name suggests, the user access token in Hugging Face is the token of access for Hugging Face services. It is the only way to authenticate the local machine, an application, or a Google Colab notebook that requires access to the Hugging Face’s services. How to Get Access Token in...
Once you are logged in, Facebook will ask if you want to give Uncanny Automator access to your name and profile picture. If you are happy to do this, then click the ‘Continue as’ button. Next, you will be asked whether you want to let Uncanny Automator post on Facebook. ...
{ "access_token": "IGQVJ...", "user_id": 17841405793187218 } You’ll simply need to copy the access token and user ID so that they could be used in the next step. Step 6: Query the User Node All is left now is to query the User node for your user ID and username. Simply re...
//Facebook GraphResponse error, DEBUG } } }; Bundle mBundle = new Bundle(); mBundle.putString("fields", "picture"); GraphRequest mGetUserRequest = GraphRequest.newMeRequest(AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken(), mCallback); mGetUserRequest.setParameters(mBundle); //if running this on the ...
@feed = Koala::Facebook::API.new(current_user.token) to = Time.now.to_i yest = 1.day.ago.to_i @feed.fql_query("SELECT post_id, actor_id, target_id, message, likes FROM stream WHERE source_id = me() AND created_time > #{yest} AND created_time < #{to} AND type = 80 ...
That function right there takes care of opening the Facebook native widget and ask our user to authorize our application to use their data for login purposes. Now we need to handle the response. The function response will provide us with a Facebook access token we can then pass to Firebase...
It is now time to initialize Facebook SDK and get access_token from Facebook. After authenticating the token, the user info will be fetched and the view will be redirected to the profile page that shows the user information. Create two files in the application folder;Index.phpandProfile.php...