Secondly, they will never correct your mistakes. Thirdly they will feed back their understanding of what you are saying so you can respond appropriately and get that feedback and then they will use words that you kno...
I simply need to shift my focus from me to we and I won’t take it personally. If I try to see the intention of the other one, I make space for understanding instead of irritation. Does this ring a bell with you? When you put your so...
Learning how to get a remote job you'll love is no more difficult than finding a normal job, it's just different. Start with these steps.
Knowing how to manage money and understanding financial statements are critical for anyone running their own business. Knowing your revenues, your costs, and how to increase or decrease them, respectively, is important. Making sure you don't burn through cash will allow you to keep the business...
Self-reflection, seeking feedback and practicing emotional regulation help managers to improve their self-awareness. It also gives you a deeper understanding of your attitudes, opinions, and knowledge. Have you ever had a manager who was self-aware? Someone who considered the needs and feelings...
How do I set and stick to a savings goal? Watch video, 1 minute Slide 3 Did you know? Getting in the habit of saving is the hardest part. Try to put something in savings each month to get started. Slide 4 Saving & Budgeting
Did you know the most successful people have gotten to where they are today because they have learned to practiceself-discipline? Becoming a self-disciplined person involves understanding what self-discipline means, learning the skills to develop it, and making a consistent effort to apply it in ...
After that, you’ll be mainly improving your vocabulary, understanding and learning to talk about more advanced topics. There’s never really ‘an end’ to learning a language, there is always more that you can learn, and different ways of expressing yourself. But that’s also what makes it...
UNDERSTANDING It seems obvious now how we acquire knowledge an d understanding. To start with, we nee d questions. Then, to find answers[1], we observe the worl d aroun d us an d study the facts. After that, we consider possible answers an d test each to fin d the right ones. Al...