How to Play the Fallout Games in Order These blurbs contain mild spoilers for each game, including characters, settings, and story beats. One thing to note before we get started: We will not be counting two games on our chronological timeline. The first is the mobile vault management simulato...
Fishing at The Waking Shores, The Azure Span, Ohn’ahran Plains, Valdrakken, Vault of the Incarnates and Thaldraszus. 7. Temporal Dragonhead Last but not least is the Temporal Dragonhead, this is the common fish with the highest price in Dragonflight currently, but not by much. You can...
Killing the two-head brute in The Callisto Protocol during the platform ride to Arcas isn’t easy, especially after the onslaught of enemies that came before
In order to help you out of a potentially sticky, fraught situation we’ve come up with three simple responses you can use if anyone ever pops the question to you. They are dependent on how you feel about the person in question and how much you mind being at their beck and call, day...
t run an encounter without dramatic question and you can’t build one without it either. Fortunately, the dramatic question is pretty easy to come up with. It might even be your seed. If not, you need to ask yourself what the PCs are trying to accomplish in the encounter. Why should ...