To get to the Three Sisters, you will need to travel through Caria Manor and fight Knight Loretta to get access. You will find Ranni at the top of the tower named “Ranni’s Rise” (the middle one with a dragon out the front). She will task your character to find the hidden treasur...
Want to know about Elden Ring endings and how to do them? There are quite a few different ways to end your time in the Lands Between, so here's each outcome.
To get to the Lake of Rot in Elden Ring, you can start from the Ainsel River Main site of Grace. You have to continue to head south from the Site of Grace there, and you will reach the Uhl Palace Ruins. FYI To reach Ainsel River Main, you must progress Ranni’s andFia’s quesli...
Snow Witch Set or often referred to as Ranni’s Armor Set or Ranni’s Outfit, unlike other armor sets in Elden Ring features only a hat, chest, and leg. To get Snow Witch set in Elden Ring, you first need to look for Ranni, and offer her your services to completeRanni’s questline...
For the next steps, you will need to complete Ranni’s questline. Once you give her the Dark Moon Ring she will tell you to take the path of Lords. Go back to Ranni’s Rise and you will find Blaidd. You can leave him but if you want his gear then you will need to kill him....
How to Get The Moonlight Greatsword in the Elden Ring To acquire The Moonlight Greatsword, players must complete the final stage within Ranni’s journey. Ranni will then hand over this weapon inside the Cathedral of Manus Celes. It’s among the largestElden Ringquestline, so prepare to journ...
Ranni’s Dark Moon Located on theMoonlight Altar Plateau, a large area in the south ofLiurnia of the Lakesthat can only be accessed by playing through Ranni’s Quest (Caria Manor, Ranni’s Rise) — you need to reach the Lake of Rot and defeat the Astel boss,...
Step 2:After defeating Shardbearer Radahn (main story boss, unmissable), get through Caria Manor in the north of Liurnia and talk to Renna atop the Ranni’s Rise Tower. Afterward talk to her two ghost minions downstairs (Iji & Seluvis). Then talk to Renna again. ...
Nokron, the Eternal City, is one of several large, optional areas in Elden Ring. It’s key to Blaidd’s questline, and by extension, that of the Witch Ranni. Blaidd can initially be found in the Mistwood Ruins to start his long chain of quest steps. Recommended Videos To get to No...
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