One of the most legendary cities in all ofWorld of Warcraftis Shattrath City, which was first introduced to the game during the game’s first expansion,The Burning Crusade,as the capital of the then-newest continent, Outland. Recommended Videos Shattrath City is most notable because it was ...
How to get to the Darkmoon Faire as the Alliance The Darkmoon Faire is located on Darkmoon Island, and the only way to get to the island is viaportalsnear your capital cities. After you reach the location, all you need to do is click the portal and you’ll find yourself on the coo...
How does Horde get to Caverns of Time? How to Get to Caverns of Time As Horde. If you're Horde,head to Orgrimmar's entrance. Run in, take a right, and head down the steps into the portal room. The portal is directly in front you, so just head forward to head to the Caverns of...
The next seasonal title in WoW is flame keeper. If you're horde or flame Warden, if you're Alliance, this title is earned from completing the flame keeper Warden meta achievement during the mid-summer fire Festival. This achievement requires you to juggle torches, p...
Expansion: WoW Classic The Whirling Truesilver Gearwall is one of the craftable Epics added in the second phase of the Season of Discovery. This item is considered the Best-in-Slot for all the Tanking Specializations that can use a Shield, granting the best possible stats in Phase 2...
There’s a lot of attunements in the Burning Crusade. From dungeons requiring your group to have a key to raids requiring you to go on epic adventures across Outland. Today, we’ll look at the latter, which will involve the former along the way. We’ll go step-by-step, including a ...
Regardless of their gender, players spend an average of 21 to 22 hours a week playing the game [source: Yee, WoW Demographics]. Of course, these statistics may have shifted since Yee collected his data. You can learn more about Yee's research at The Daedalus Project. The amount of time...
WoW Classic TBC is here and for most of us, once we hit level 70 our main concern will be how to make our character stronger, so today we’re going to answer just that by going over every known and less known avenue of gearing in Outland and seeing what the...
The Burning Crusadeexpansion continent of Outland can take around 24 hours to complete by their calculation. It took 7 hours to gain 15 levels in our own average player tests without taking most of our own tips into account.Warlords of DraenorandLegion, on the other hand, tend to take the...
his ultimate goal is to take on the Legion. The problem is that his methods of doing that are unsavory to Azeroth as a whole — particularly to the Night Elves and so on. That’s always been a source of contention and led to him splitting off to go to Outland. We felt like ...