How to start Mount Hyjal quests as Horde inCataclysm Classic The Mount Hyjal questing experience begins with the quest “Warchief’s Command: Mount Hyjal.” This quest can be picked up from the Warchief’s Command Board right outside of the newly builtGrommash Holdin the middle of Orgrimmar...
Transmog fun. Reforge fun. TB dailies fun. Old raids/mount runs fun. Heaps of fun outside of raiding. Would like to see T11 nerfed when T12 comes out as well, not just a “It’s nerfed because of FL ilvl”. Gear doesn’t make half the T11 fights easier. Give a chance to the ...
got a crapton of gold that should push my level 80 through 85 and get him a nice vanity mount. for crying out loud I spent enough months of effort on that gold it'd better be enough... for my two alts I have the heirlooms prepped and ready to roll. Originally Posted by Aucald...