FROM KAMIKOCHI / approx. 6 hours Reaching Osaka from Kamikochi is a 3-step journey via Takayama and then Nagoya. From the Kamikochi Bus Terminal, take the bus to the Hirayu Onsen Bus Terminal – 25 to 30 minutes – and then switch to the bus headed to Takayama – another 60 minutes. ...
21. Kamikochi 22. Okuhida Onsen Town 23. Goshikinoyu 24. Mt. Sannosawa 25. KisojiMore to experience in Nagano - Top 10 Nagano Ski Resorts - Dining and Buying Souvenirs in Nagano - Nagano Hotels, Weather and What To Wear - Traveling Around Nagano - How to Get to NaganoNagano...
In the warmer months, Shirahone is also a perfect location to stay and go hiking at the trekking paradise of Kamikochi, as well as venturing into the city of Matsumoto. As Nagano’s main city, you can discover its unique food culture (trybasashi, raw horse sashimi!) and check out Japan...
The Japanese Alps were made popular by Reverend Walter Weston, an Anglican missionary who promoted recreational mountaineering in Japan. As a tribute to his contribution, the Kamikochi Park bears a memorial plaque calling him the "Father of the Japanese Alps"....
Questo tour privato e personalizzabile per Kamikochi è l'ideale per gli ospiti che desiderano un viaggio su misura per i propri interessi e preferenze, assicurandosi di poter esplorare la città al proprio ritmo. Con il nostro approccio personalizzato, gli ospiti possono immergersi nel fascino ...
FROM KAMIKOCHI / between 4.5 to 5.5 hours To reach Fukui from Kamikochi you must first head to Takayama. From the Kamikochi Bus Terminal, take the bus to the Hirayu Onsen Bus Terminal – 25 to 30 minutes – and then switch to the bus headed to Takayama – another 60 minutes. See the ...
Outside of winter, Nagano and Central Japan offer some of Japan’s best outdoor experiences including the iconic Tateyama-Kurobe Alpine Route, the alpine valley of Kamikochi, and the Nakasendo Trail. Spring brings the regions beautiful cherry blossoms into bloom, and through summer and autumn the...
上高地位于海拔1200至1400米之间,处于日本第三高峰--穗高山的阴影之下,是一个具有重要生态意义的高山峡谷,具有非凡的自然景观。上高地只在4月至11月对公众开放,吸引了来自世界各地的游客,毫无疑问,它是日本中部真正的亮点之一。在这个页面上,你会发现以下信息:-- 上高地在哪里?
松本是日本僅存的原始城堡之一,也是許多其他偉大景點的所在地,是日本中部最受歡迎的目的地之一。從主要城市,包括長野、東京、名古屋和其他地方,都可以很容易地到達松本站,松本站也是一個方便的出發點,可以探索地區性的目的地,如上高地、高山、中山道等等。在這個頁面上,你會發現以下信息: ...