In this guide, we are going to tell you the best ways to get to Badlands no matter which faction you are playing and no matter which version ofWoWyou might be playing (whether it beDragonflight,Wrath of the Lich King Classic, orVanilla Classic). How to get to Badlands inWoW: Dragonfl...
How to get to Booty Bay as an Alliance player Unfortunately, getting to Booty Bay is a bit tougher for the Alliance than it is for the Horde. Alliance players will have to hoof it from the human-centric areas of Elwynn Forest and Duskwood all the way through the entirety of Stranglethorn...
The race to level 60 inWoW Classicmeans that leveling up faster in-game is one of the most valuable skills in the entirety of Azeroth. Sure, it's nice to have a savvy tank or a detail-oriented healer, but to get to that point, players need to push through the sheer amount of vanil...
turns, and blocks prevent you from getting to the next level because you either lose money or you lose a life.To make your game go a bit easier and get farther along, this guide will help you level up to 60 in no time.
Whether you're taking a casual approach to leveling in WoW Classic, or seeking to follow this madman who hit level 60 in less than a week on from release, it's worth knowing when you can access your desired spots. Below we've put together a simple breakdown of each major zone in the...
Most Alliance players will enter Stranglethorn Vale through its northern entrance. This entrance can be found just off theroad leading out ofDuskwood. If you’re traveling on the main road inDuskwood,make the turn that heads south, and you should see the signs leading toward STV as the road...
/way Duskwood23, 47 /way Arathi Highlands60, 40 /way Badlands58, 54 /way The Barrens52, 36 /way Desolace65, 25 Make sure to loot each Dark Rider after slaying it. After you’ve killed them all and looted seven Dalaran Relics, return to the Dalaran Agent NPC. She’ll have ...
Run the Deadmines for gear and flat XP before seeking more level-appropriate quests in Redridge Mountains, Ashenvale, Duskwood, and the Wetlands. If you’re completing elite quests in any of these zones (especially Redridge Mountains), we recommend doing so with a group. ...
Most Alliance players will enter Stranglethorn Vale through its northern entrance. This entrance can be found just off theroad leading out ofDuskwood. If you’re traveling on the main road inDuskwood,make the turn that heads south, and you should see the signs leading toward STV as the ...