How to get the Helldusk Armour in Baldur's Gate 3. BG3 tips, tricks and guides - where to find the Helldusk Legendary Armour.
The easiest way to get the Orphic Hammer is byspeaking to Raphael at Sharess’ Caressnear Wyrm’s Crossing in Act 3. This is the first time you speak to the devil after Act 2, and he offers you the Orphic Hammer. However, the hammer doesn’t come without cost. You need to sign a...
move to the opposite side of the prison, andattack a guard. This will lock all guards into combat with that character while your other two are still free to act at will. Give the signal, attack walls, and enjoy a clean escape while theguards are distracted...
Act Three – Rivington Top of the map, in a wooden shed.Changing your appearance through spells in BG3If you’re wanting to change your appearance for the sake of tricking your enemies but don’t want to commit to a full facelift, there’s a spell for that. In fact, there’s a spe...
Toggle back to barter Give away 1 item as barter Close the barter window If you are going to trade anywhere in Act 1, use a place with 2 traders, like the Myconid Colony. One player had success with 1 trader by: Doing the normal trading process ...
In Back 4 Blood, Act 3's Body Dump is one of the hardest missions, and it can be daunting if players don't know where to go or how to beat the Ogres.
The least obvious ofBG3‘s romance options and companion in the first act ofBaldur’s Gate 3, Minthara requires you take a slightly different path through the Druid Grove.You have to kill everyone in the city. This requires you to start the Rescue the Refugees quest, then go to the gob...
How to Start the Dribbles the Clown Quest in BG3 You first start the Dribbles the Clown quest in Act 3 when you go to the Circus of the Last Days. You can find the circus in Rivington within Wyrm’s Crossing. You’ll need to speak with Lucretious once you’re there, and begin the...
A Shadow Curse afflicts the land in Act 2 of Baldur's Gate 3, preventing you or your party from getting through certain areas without taking a good amount of damage. Even those that find quick solutions to the Curse will have to deal with thicker walls of this blight later on. Picking...
Think for a minute about all the different non-Microsoft updates your environment potentially needs: WinZip, Adobe Acrobat, Java Runtime, ACT!. These, like pretty much any other piece of software, require patching from time to time. Unless your environment consists of only Microsoft software, ...