If you’re selling alcohol anywhere in the UK, you need an alcohol licence. Here is a quick guide on how to get an alcohol licence for your business.
The first step to overcoming addiction is stopping alcohol consumption completely. This leads to “withdrawal symptoms” such as restlessness, increased heartbeat, anxiety, and mood swings. The initial couple of days may be the worst to get through, but it gets easier to manage these symptoms w...
should be encouraged. This allows someone with an alcohol problem to talk to peers (going through the same motions that they themselves are going through) in a non-judgemental and non-clinical environment. A recent review of the literature showed that these services; ...
Perhaps a mate or teenager has chosen to deal with his problems through alcohol.The statistics associated with alcoholism are startling. In America alone it is estimated that 65 million family members are directly affected by someone who is an alcoholic. It is estimated that 70 percent of the ...
Regardless of age, it is extremely painful and challenging to deal with an alcoholic parent. You can help get them on the road to recovery.
The first thing to understand is that you’re very unlikely to help an alcoholic or addict by simply confronting them. This is true whether you do it aggressively in an attempt to get through their “wall of denial”, or whether you do it with compassion and a non-judgmental attitude. ...
Scott McMillin narrates this 10 min. slide show covering basic communications concepts you can use to help the addict you love on the journey to recovery.
To deal with an alcoholic parent: Establish clear boundaries about when the alcoholic’s presence will be tolerated, Avoid arguments with the drinker and take...
When you drink alcohol, the water-soluble ethanol it contains has a free pass throughout your body. After it enters your digestive system, it takes a ride in your bloodstream, passes through cell membranes and strolls through the heart. It especially likes to hang out in the brain, where ...
Having pets in the office allows employees to take mental breaks throughout the day to reduce stress, thus enabling them to accomplish more when they resume working. 2. Get legal advice. “The first step for any employer who is considering serving alcohol at work is to speak to an attorney...