Most of these kits require you to keep the gel in place for 15 to 60 minutes. These can be messy, but make sure to allow as little gel to contact your gums as possible to minimize any possible irritation. So, the answer to how much does it cost to get your teeth whitened has a ...
The hard, ceramic (glass-like) nature of a veneer creates a very durable surface. (It’s impervious to the compounds it is exposed to and resists wear well.) How do they work? The way porcelain laminates are attached to teeth is really just an extension of thescience of tooth bonding. ...
or teeth, etc.), B&W is the way to go. (In Photoshop, use “desaturation” instead of B&W). Right around your editor’s B&W option, you’ll probably see sepia too. Now, this filter definitely has a time and a place, but when it comes ...
Their claims arehighly controversialbecause they go directly against the position of orthodox dentistry – which takes the view that cavities are “permanent” and that teeth simply cannot regenerate; requiring fillings or other procedures to repair the teeth. I too was of the belief (no doubt lik...
The whitest teeth possible. One difficulty associated with no-drill Lumineers® is that their ultra-thin nature frequently means that they must be fairly opaque to be able to adequately mask the natural tooth structure that lies underneath them. ...