One scenario where mirroring is not a good approach is when a customer is clearly angry. In this case, the goal is to de-escalate the situation. Keep your tone calm and your words free of defensive language. 7. Be careful with jokes Gauge your rapport with the customer before attempting ...
He said, ‘If you want to cry, you have to be hydrated. Like, literally, you have to drink lots of water. Because if there’s not water inside of you, water can’t come out of you.” Brown drinks plenty of water on set to create what he calls “the Denzel tear” on projects ...
Those connections allow you to think, to reason, to emote. If we look at many examples of characters losing consciousness, the way that other characters often check if they’re all right is by looking at their pulse and breathing. Breathing happens in the different part of the brain—the b...
’ You can have functional music for the sake of propulsion and energy. Music can serve that purpose, but that doesn’t interest me, and I don’t like writing music like that. I’m always asking the question: ‘What is this character feeling in this scenario, and how do I express ...
Though D&I was a core value at the company, naturally, the various employees still had their own views about it. I was reminded of this scenario recently as I spoke to an agency in the Southeast about how to communicate like a leader during times where much of the interactions we are ...
I'll never understand how a "confused" emote is being confused for a downvote... but anyway back on topic. There is a rather simple way to make an easy mode that I've posted all the way back to the first thread on the topic, take advantage of the multiple phases of the bosses (...
the quest in the Hinterlands to get Nat Pagle's Extreme Angler FC-5000, which gives a +25 to your Fishing skill. I also have a fishing enchant on a ratty pair of gloves, which gives an additional +2 to your skill. It may seem insignificant, but it could be the difference between a...
Leek orchids don't have many friends. Maybe it's because they lack the drop-dead gorgeous looks of many of their fellow family members. Or perhaps it's because they're always the first to leave the party: as soon as sheep or weeds encroach on their terri
offunnySkyrimeaster eggs, hidden lore, and different ways to approach virtually every scenario. One user on Reddit took a clever approach to the rest of the residents living in Jorrvaskr to figure out a way to live there alone without having to kill anyone — well, at least most of the ...