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Rational expressions contain fractions with polynomials in both the numerator and the denominator. Solving rational expression equations requires more work than solving standard polynomial equations because you have to find the common denominator of the rational terms, then simplify the resulting expressions....
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achieving financial security, having time to raise a family, and so on. 能获得的经济保障、顾家时间等等。 Maybe the artist's career puts you on the cutting edge of new forms of pictorial expression. 也许艺术家这个职业能让你接触最前沿的图像表达技术。
the same, no two cultures having different languages can have identical views of the world. Thought is the basis of language and language has to depend on thought for its content, at the same time, language provides the best instrument for the expression and communication of thought. The ...
To discover and reveal is the way every artist sets about his business. — Robert J. Flaherty 44 To know how to wonder and question is the first step of the mind toward discovery. — Louis Pasteur 111 I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking — ...
but we're too stupid to know which, and since we don't know which, we might as well take the least risky option. Even taking two alternatives side by side with full information, a choice can still be hard. Hard choices are hard not because of us or our ignorance; they're hard beca...
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