First, search your business name and compare it to existing business entities in Texas. You can make sure the LLC Name you want is unique from existing businesses using the Taxable Entity Search from the Texas Comptroller. Second, familiarize yourself with the naming rules in Texas (so your Te...
The article discusses the reasons for the denied request for refund of tax in a case involving the sale of a Glastron boat, decided by the Texas Comptroller. There are two principal reasons for the disapproved request for refund. The first is that the Texas lemon law does not apply to the...
Phone Number to Contact the Comptroller Discover here main Texas Comptroller phone numbers. No need to waste time writing a letter toGlenn Hegarwhen you need to get in touch, their webfile of useful government data contains everything you need. Forms contain address, logo and all the rules an...
To check whether your desired name has already been taken by another business entity in Texas, you can perform aTaxable Entity Searchon the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts website. If you’re not going tostart your LLCright away, it might be a good idea to consider reserving your name...
💡 Tip:Consider usingZenBusinessto set up your business entity. The platform guides you through each step to ensure you’re compliant with Texas state laws. Step 5: Get an EIN Think of anemployer identification number(EIN) as your business’s Social Security number (SSN). While sole propri...
Annoyingly, the state of Texas is required by law to list your phone number as a matter of public record when you register. This means it can ends up in the hands of telemarketers. To prevent this, you may want to take the extra step of contacting the Texas Comptroller (here’s the...
Once you have received your 501c3 determination letter from the IRS, you can file for Texas income tax exemption with the Texas comptroller usingForm AP-204. To file to obtain sales tax exemption fileForm AP-205, Application for Exemption – Charitable Organizationswith Texas comptroller. ...
Have your social security number or ITIN ready. Step 6: Get a registered agent and register your business Aregistered agentreceives legal documents if yourbusinessfaces legal action. Texas requires you to designate someone other than yourself for this role. Check theTexas Secretary of State Registe...
It was while I was at this "minimal sufficiency* stage in my professional development that I leamed to hate the much-dreaded messageThomas J. WinnTexas State Comptroller's OffICeAustin