The gentle giant of the series, Gyomei Himejima is an intimidating figure as the Stone Hashira, at a colossal height of 7'2" (218.4 cm). 3 Tengen Uzui 6'6" 1,147 votes Tengen Uzui, also known as the Sound Hashira, possesses a towering presence at 6'6" (198.1 cm), wi...
The gentle giant of the series, Gyomei Himejima is an intimidating figure as the Stone Hashira, at a colossal height of 7'2" (218.4 cm). 3 Tengen Uzui 6'6" 1,143 votes Tengen Uzui, also known as the Sound Hashira, possesses a towering presence at 6'6" (198.1 cm), wit...