Some of us moms have a problem with our attachment to our children, to the point where the bond can become unhealthy. Can we love our children but not let their choices or behavior make us crazy? Is some detachment actually a good idea? Is Detachment a Wall? The idea of detaching from...
In Indiana, guardianship allows someone who is not a child's parent to legallycontrol and have custodyof that minor child. Guardians make all decisions concerning the child and are legally responsible for them. Indiana courts offer both temporary and permanent guardianships for children. They grant ...
in a matter-of-fact way, that you’re doing a staycation this summer in hopes of going on a cruise next year and dumping your money stress on their still-tender shoulders. If you are financially secure and can treat your kids to good things...
A child doesn’t necessarily have to be your natural-born offspring or legally adopted to qualify. The IRS is rather generous with this rule. Your child dependent can be your stepchild, a sibling or stepsibling, or their descendants, such as a grandchild, niece, or nephew. In some cases,...
The Residency Test:A qualifying child has to have the same residence as thetaxpayerfor more than half the year. There are exceptions for temporary absences. If a qualifying child is away from home because of school, vacation, custody arrangement, an illness, military duty, or business, that ...