Preventable calamity: How to reduce teenage pregnancyAll across America, young girls who still are children themselves are bearing children of...Kathleen SylvesterUsa Today Magazine
Teenage Pregnancy Rates Have Gone UP; Advice: A Teenager Is Shown How to Use a Pregnancy Test
Alpha Mom bills itself as a parenting and pregnancy resource, although — as with Your Modern Family and Scary Mommy — it also covers topics that overlap with the mom blog niche, such as health, relationships, money, and work. Once again, it has multiple routes to make money, from sellin...
Asking about what your partner likes or wants can seem daunting if you’re not used to it — but it’s a good habit to get into. For starters, caring about your partner’s experience is one of the cornerstones ofsexual consent; second, being able to navigate those conversations, both du...
The complex interaction of 4 types of risk factors leading to emotional neglect are child-related, parent-related, family-related, and environment-related factors. In the United States, parental neglect causing physical harm through the denial of proper care or the lack of supervision is a crimina...
South Africa: You Will Get Pregnant And Die Sex education in today’s South Africa is better than what Apartheid wrought, when the main goal was to discourage sexual encounters between the races. But, that’s not saying much. In the official South African “Life Orientation” curriculum, havi...
How to talk to your teenaged patient about pregnancy and contraception: With the majority of adolescents now sexually active, are they fully educated on contraception and pregnancy?Levine, LoisContemporary OB/GYN
How to decrease teenage pregnancy: rural perspectives in Ecuadordoi:10.3389/fpubh.2024.1370507Tituaa, AllpaHerrán, KerenGalárraga, OmarPalacios, IvánFrontiers in Public Health
WellingsKayePalmerMelissaJWilkinsonPaulCopasAndrewingentaconnectLancet London
The article focuses on ways to prevent teenage pregnancy. A report revealed that 1.1 million teenage girls in the U.S. become pregnant every year and that 125,000 American girls aged fifteen and below become pregnant every year. According to...