如果你已拥有 Teams 应用,会议将自动打开。 如果你没有 Teams 帐户,并且组织者已允许它,则可以输入姓名以加入会议。 如果你有 Teams 帐户,请选择“ 登录 ”以通过访问会议聊天等权限加入。 然后,你将立即加入会议或进入大厅,直到组织者允许你。 加入由 Teams 个人帐户 用户组织的会议 使用Teams 帐户参加 Teams 个...
But Teams for business are launching every time, when I open a Teams meeting link and I need to quit them, so not very comfortable 😞 Thanks for suggestion - yes, I can use just browser version of Teams, but there is missing some essential funcionality, like...
若要加入 Teams 會議,請使用join方法並傳送會議連結或會議的座標。 使用會議連結加入: JavaScript constlocator = {meetingLink:'<MEETING_LINK>'}constcall = callAgent.join(locator); 使用會議座標加入 (目前為受限預覽版): JavaScript constlocator = {threadId: <thread id>, organizerId: <organizer ...
您可以使用 teamsCallAgent 執行個體上的方法 join,加入 Teams 會議。 Teams 使用者可以藉由提供 TeamsMeetingLinkLocator、TeamsMeetingCoordinatesLocator 或TeamsMeetingIdLocator 來加入 Teams 會議。使用會議 URL 加入 Teams 會議:JavaScript 複製 const meetingCall = teamsCallAgent.join({ meetingLink: '<MEETING_...
Read:Microsoft Teams Join button is missing or not working How do you join a Microsoft Teams meeting as a guest without a link? You’ll need to have a unique meeting ID to join a Teams meeting without a link. Next, enter the meeting ID in the Teams entry point. Do note that this ...
How do I connect a meeting room system to MS Teams? 1. Connect your physical equipment The first thing you need to do when creating a meeting room for your company is to make sure you have all the necessary hardware. A central unit that acts as a console is required, which you will ...
我們的公司 新聞 投資者關係 可持續發展 產品符合性 產品安全 Lenovo Open Source 法律資訊 在聯想工作 商店 筆記本電腦及 Ultrabook 平板電腦 桌上型電腦和一體式電腦 工作站 配件及軟體 伺服器 存儲 網路 筆記本特價 電源插座 支援 驅動及應用程式 產品問題及解決方式 保修期內...
How do I join a team meeting as a guest? 1. Joining a Teams Meeting with a Web Browser Go to the meeting invite and click on theClick here to join the meetinglink. You will get two options on the default web browser:Join on the Teams apporContinue on this browser. ...
The Microsoft Teams platform offers a convenient way to communicate without being physically present. The service is commonly used to facilitate video and
Step 5 –After this, open the meeting link, that you’ve got via Teams or email. Step 6 –Now, choose theTeamsdesktop client. Step 7 –As it opens up, input your name and proceed to the meeting. This way, you can bypass this issue on your computer and test that. ...