if you don't do something that's your "passion"(document on "passion project"), then you will tend to abandon it half way. Another, or possibly the same(?) problem is you might get split or diverted half way through. You need to push through probably (though pivoting is OK) to mak...
Add more RAM.That’s the stuff that lets you keep more stuff open on the desktop (including tabs in your browser). If you don’t have enough, it’s like having a postage-stamp-size desk for planning your writing. Upgrade yours to the max your system will take. This isn’t as big...
When a donor is on your website, credit card in hand, ready to donate, the most challenging part of your work is done. You’ve brought them to your site, won them over, and convinced them to give. At this moment, it’s a tiny mental step for them to move from “I’d like to...
People love watching cats hanging out in hammocks, and cats just love being in a hammock. They are so easy to make, so why not make several hammocks to donate to a local animal rescue or shelter?
'_dgx_donate_aan_note', $donation_data [ 'ADD_A_NOTE']); } return $donation_data: } (!) ArgumentCountError: Too few arguments to function sd_aan_update(), 1 passed in /Users/david/Documents/Development/local-sites/sd/app/public/w-includes/class-wp-hook.php on line 310 and exactly...
Come and get your Tabs! Stephen Robinson Aug 22, 2023 81 428 5 ShareTabs gif from your bestie Martini Glambassador! Don’t expect any real discussion of serious issues among the nine Republican candidates at the Donald Trump-free debate Wednesday. (Milwaukee Journal Sentinel) ...
There is a glut of phone monitoring apps designed to covertly track someone’s location and snoop on their communications. Many are advertised to suspicious partners or distrustful employers, others are marketed as legitimate tools for safety-concerned parents to keep tabs on their kids. Such apps...
There are various other SEO factors that you need to get right in order to rank on the top search results. Longer content is just one such factor that will take you a step further in this endeavour.Just like the analysis for average blog post length, an analysis was done to check ...
Please show your support for F.B. Purity by donating F.B. Purity Reviewed in The Washington Post: Like several bazillion other users, I like using Facebook to keep tabs on what my friends are up to. What I don't like is the endless stream of "so-and-so took this quiz" and "...
Donating to ISRG / Let's Encrypt: https://letsencrypt.org/donate Donating to EFF: https://eff.org/donate-le This means that Certbot has successfully generated TLS certificates and applied them to the Nginx configuration for your domain. You can now reload your code-server domain ...