Before you can evaluate the software, you will need to provide the code for your machine by running a utility program to get a unique ID number for your computer. Click here to run the utility (hostid.exe) and get the ID number. Send the ID to Mechanical Simulation or your sales ...
Before you can evaluate the software, you will need to provide the code for your machine by running a utility program to get a unique ID number for your computer. Click here to downloadhostid.tar.gz Extract the tar.gz file from a terminal, in the same folder/directory as the tar.gz f...
You may use your primary network adapter's MAC address as your Host ID. To find the MAC address of the device, follow the instructions below. Open macOS's System Setting application. Its icon appears as gears. On the left hand side of the window, select "Networ...
request.CookieContainer.Add(NewUri(""), _NewCookie("id","1234")) To get cookies on a response message Create aSystem.Net.CookieContaineron the request to hold cookie objects that are sent on the response. You must do this even if you are not sending any cooki...
Check the device type and ID of the disk. NOTE: IfDevice Identifieris not displayed on the page, stop the ECS and restart it. KVM ECS IfDevice TypeisVBD, use a serial number or BDF to obtain the disk device name. If you use a serial number (recommended) to obtain the disk device ...
The hostID or PTC_HOSTID should be built off of the main "wired" network card on a system for best practices but can be built off any valid network card. A hostID as obtained from other network cards such as Firewire ports or virtual network cards should be seen as invalid by PTC ...
Defines how to send raw data across a physical medium, such as Ethernet or a modem. This is sometimes called the link layer or host-to-network layer. o 物理层。定义如何通过物理介质发送原始数据,例如以太网或调制解调器。 有时也称为链路层或主机到网络层。 It’s important to understand the ...
Before you upgrade Windows 2000 domain controllers to Windows Server 2003 or before you add new Windows Server 2003 domain controllers to a Windows 2000 domain, follow these steps: Inventory the clients that access resources in the domain that host Windows Server 2003 domain controllers for ...
client to the results that are obtained from running a query. For installation to succeed in this scenario, one of the items returned by the selected query must be the attributeResourceIDfrom the attribute classSystem Resource. For more information about queries, seeQueries in Configuration Manager...
As ever, don’t be shy about looking at scripts on your system. 与NetworkManager配置的其余部分一样,这些脚本的细节相对不重要; 你只需要知道如何找到适当的位置,以便在需要添加或更改时进行操作。 在查看系统上的脚本时,不要犹豫。 9.12 Resolving Hostnames One of the final basic tasks in any network...