except2021/8/68*A.F.D.C.: 对有未成年子女家庭的补助*food stamps: 食品券*Workers Compensation: 工人(失业)补助金*subsidized housing: 住房补贴*disability insurance: 伤残保险*Cut the knot, for there is no way to untie it: 这是一堆解不开的疙瘩, 只能快刀斩 10、乱麻,统统取消。 V(21)...
HowtoGetthePooroffOur Conscience JohnKennethGalbraith JohnKennethGalbraith(1908-2006)•ACanadian-Americaneconomist,author,professor,presidentialcounselorandU.S.ambassadortoIndia •The“lastAmericanInstitutionalist”•anunabashedpopularizerof economics•“TheAffluentSociety”(1958)•MedalofFreedom,in1946•...
Charles Murray, who to greater cheers, contemplates "scrapping the entire federal welfare and income-support structure for working and aged persons including A.F.D.C., Medicaid, food stamps, unemployment in surance, Workers Compensation, subsidized housing, disability insurance, and, "he adds, "th...
How to Get the Poor off Our Conscience HowtoGetthePooroffOurConscience——JohnKennethGalbraith Peril:danger,hazard,危险inperilPerilous:dangerous,hazardous,危险的,冒险的Plutarch:aGreekhistorian,biographer,andessayist.Ailment:asmallillness,小病,微恙Affluence:wealth,prosper,富裕,丰富affluent Preoccupation:...
subsidizedhousing,disabilityinsuranee,and,IIheadds,—therest.Cuttheknot,forthereisnowaytountieit.IIByatriage,theworthywouldbeselectedtosurvive;thelossoftherestisthepenalty weshouldpay.MurrayisthevoiceofSpencerinourtime;heisenjoying,asindicated,passion,alongwiththeassociatedpubliceffort,fortable,theleast...
You have several different types of subsidized housing options available to renters. The tenants in public housing will be covered by theResidential Landlord Tenant Act. Some of the most common types of non-profit housing include HUD, Low Income Public Housing, Housing Choice Vouchers and Low Inc...
Subsidized Senior Housing Qualifications Personal Finance How to Find Housing Grants For Single Moms Government Assistance If you have a low income and/or are disabled, you may qualify for government housing assistance programs, whether at the federal, tribal, state, county or city level. The U....
1) A.F.D.C: 对有未成年子女家庭的补助 2) food stamps: 食品券 3)Workers’ compensation: 工人失业补助金 4)subsidized housing: 住房补贴 5)disability insurance: 伤残保险 Para.20 2. Cut the knot, for there is no way to untie it. 1) The sentence is used figuratively, meaning that the ...
Charles Murray, who, to greater cheers, contemplates "scrapping the entire federal welfare and income-support structure for working and aged persons, including A.F.D.C., Medicaid, food stamps, unemployment insurance, Workers" Compensation, subsidized housing, disability insurance, and," he adds, ...