Rather than using traditional mulch or soft soil, one way to keep cats out of your yard is to use prickly, uncomfortable options instead. You can use pine needles as mulch or plant thorny or vining plants as a carpet around your existing plants. Cats won’t like the way this feels on ...
Always keep trash cans covered, and maybe even secure the lid with bungee cords. Never leave your own pet’s food outside, as neighborhood cats may help themselves. If youattract lots of birdsto your yard with bird feeders or birdbaths, it might be a good idea to stop until you can ...
Wildlife animals or stray dogs and cats that are allowed to roam around or live in the yard attract fleas and increase the flea populations. Letting your flea-infected pets roam freely in the yard; fleas will jump on your pet and increase the population of your pet. Slightly mowed areas...
Sometimes an outdoor cat keeps coming into the yard because he sees your own cat. If your cat is allowed outdoors then the safest solution is to confine your cat to the indoors. If you provideenvironmental enrichmentfor your cat then he’ll get all the fun and stimulation that’s he’s ...
Stray Cat Info:Stray cats are defined as cats that are lost or have become separated from a home or owner. When people refer to stray cats, they usually meanferal cats. Feral cats are simply non-domesticated cats living in the wild. They were born in the wild, and have never had a ...
Cats How to Get Rid of Cats Humanely Whether you are interested in ridding feral cats from your property or participating in Trap, Neuter, and Release programs, Havahart® has a variety of solutions for their control - including feral cat traps, rescue kits, and animal repellents. Learn ...
If stray cats have made your neighborhood or yard their home, it can be pretty adorable. However, you may have a problem with these cats spraying your home, which is much less adorable. Stray cats may mark their territory on your house or lawn, especially if you have a pet dog or cat...
Excuse me, WHAT? The second one?!? Do you see the fence in the background of that picture? My backyard lies on the other side of it, and I will LOSE IT if I see a garter snake in my yard. The time to get ahead of the snake problem is NOW!
Rabbits don’t like to stray far from their shelters, so try to reduce the possible rabbit homes around your yard. Rake away piles of brush and leaves, fill in abandoned burrows, and seal any holes under sheds or structures. If a rabbit doesn’t have a place to live or hide nearby, ...
You may want to purchase products that are designed to keep dogs from pooping in the yard. One option isBonide Go Away! Rabbit, Dog & Cat Repellent, Outdoor Animal Repellent Granules. This formula safely repels dogs as well as cats, rabbits, and other animals, prevents damage to property ...