Make them stop doing weird things like faking suicide in order to get the attention of the band. Make them stop shunning more sane fans of the band for not being "true fans". Make them stop calling the band members stupid names like "smol beans" or "daddy". Get them to stop constantl...
I'll update it with information I find about this very interesting topic. Particularly if you want to make your own mod, much in the way like you could with the original Portal. So if you want to make one, and really want to make it your own (other than just mapping)...
When you start out playing Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, everything in the game can seem strange and even miraculous. But then, once you get enough experience, you start seeing opportunities for changes and adjustments - these are possible through multiple game settings. Changes can help you ...
In my case I had Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, which is a great operating system for any server.This article will give you a walk though guide for installing and configuring SRCDS on Ubuntu. I am writing specifically about TF2 here, but much of this information will apply to other Source games such ...
The first one I tried wasStar Trek: The Next Generation: Klingon Honor Guardand let me just say that my FPS SP gaming life nearly died on the exit of that little shuttle. All I remember about it, was this shuttle at the start of the game and the doors open and I had to get out...