We wouldn’t recommend this, though – it’s always cheaper to find a library and print one of the free versions of the sheet, if you can. Fan-made alternatives As usual, the DnD community’s creativity has welled up to fill the gaps in Wizards of the Coast’s official offering ...
If you need something blown up or want to stack your party with cool gear, get yourself a DnD Artificer. There isn't much they can't do once they put their mind to it, so these mechanical whizzes are a blast to play (pun very much intended). In a nutshell, this class is equal p...
Like any video game, it’s easy to rack up plenty of hours in VALORANT. You might be wondering if there’s a way to see how many hours you’ve racked up while playing the game, and there is a way for you to do that, but there’s a specific method to it. Recommended Videos ...
The Paladin is one of the most demanding classes when it comes to raw stats. If you're rolling for stats, don't play a Paladin unless you roll well in three stats. Whether you want to valueWisdom or Dexteritymore as your next stat is debatable, buteither choice is ultimately fine. A...
For those just getting used to roleplaying games, NPCs refer to any characters in the narrative that aren’t portrayed by the players. This includes anyone from a barkeep that players might hit up for information, antagonists they may encounter deep in a dungeon, to strange women lying about...
DnD races 5e (5th edition) refer to the different humanoid species that players can choose from when creating their characters in D&D.
Hi, I'm very new in the DnD and I haven't played any campaigns yet. I'm trying to create my first character and after looking through my brother's dnd books, I thought maybe a centaur would be cool. I don't know much about how to play as one and how the campaign would wor...
This boost lets you customize your character’s background a little more and have it reflect in their current reality (and their stats). Just like species (race) above, you can still use previously published 5e Backgrounds. For Backgrounds, though, you’ll have to do a little customiz...
A single-classed Rogue will struggle to keep up with damage at high level, while builds that combine the Rogue's skills and Expertise with dedicated martial classes that gain Extra Attack can get the best of both worlds. Mandating the use of point buy, using the fixed value Hit Point rules...
How to Use the Character Sheet to Track Your Game Now that your campaign is up and running and your party is all joined in, you can also track your game in real-time through the features and tools that we have discussed. If you're managing a session as the DM, you'll probably do ...