Need help to start your dreadlocks journey? Looking easy tips on how to grow healthy dreads with video tutorials. Or follow celebrities hairstyle?
Getting your new dreads created at the salon was the easy part, but now you have to take care of them. While dreads may seem like a maintenance-free style, that’s just not the case. It is true that you can ease up on shampooing for the first month -- after that, it’s back to...
In history, there are also negative connotations to the word “dreads,” since it refers to when colonists and slave owners called coiled hair “dreadful” — because of this connection, many prefer the term “locs.” What are the different styles of dreadlocks? There are many differenttypes ...
And never presume that there will be a bus to get you from A to B, or that the trains will be cheap on the day of travel, because you will be landed with an ugly fare. It is also a fine balance between being stuck with concrete travel plans, but still having some flexibility if ...
Endnu mere interessant er de materialer, der går ind i dem, meget billige. De få grundlæggende ingredienser til disse gør-det-selv-håndværk (bagepulver, epsom-salte, madfarve, for at nævne nogle få) kan købes i store m...