为了让大家不会觉得看不下去,是的,我分了两篇文章《LangChain Experssion Language之How to(一)》和《LangChain Experssion Language之How to(二)》。下面来简单看看这篇文章里的示例吧。 LangChain Experssion Language示例大赏 Create a runnable with the `@chain` decorator:chain chain 可以利用chain定义你的...
For help getting started with Pinecone or other vector databases, we have a cookbook to help you get started. You can check the LangChain documentation to see what other vectorstores and databases are available. For this example we'll use the transcripts of the Stuff You Should Know podcast,...
0 OpenAi Fine Tuned model not found 404 - using js-langchain 10 How to use the new gpt-3.5-16k model with langchain? 0 Using Vertex AI Model Garden with Langchain 2 No module named 'pwd' while use 'from langchain_community.document_loaders import WebBaseLoader' 11...
Using Python and the LangChain libraries, I'm able to either "memorize" previous messages (use content of previous conversation turns as context) or show the source used to generate an answer from the vector store. But I can not manage to combine them... How would you do...
Issue you'd like to raise. db = SQLDatabase.from_uri( "mysql+pyodbc://Driver={SQL Server};Server=DESKTOP-17L7UI1\SQLEXPRESS;Database=DociQDb;rusted_Connection=yes;",) I am trying to connect to my microsoft sql server but this give me err...
The data is ready, now let’s wire it up with our LLM to answer questions in natural language. As we already used OpenAI for the embedding, the easiest approach is to use it as well for the question answering. We will use Langchain as an orchestration framework to tie all the bi...
Businesses of any size, from startups to global enterprises, can use LangChain to create multilingual chatbots, language translation tools, and even multilingual websites. The value here is that with a bit of code, you can do significantly more than, for example, logging into your OpenAI acc...
Our tech stack is super easy with Langchain, Ollama, and Streamlit. Overall Architecture LLM Server: The most critical component of this app is the LLM server. Thanks to Ollama, we have a robust LLM Server that can be set up locally, even on a laptop. While llama.cp...
Even though I'm using the key generated in my keys and endpoint section of my Azure OpenAI instance. I am still getting the following error when I try to integrate it with Langchain:…
Rasa和LangChain的区别主要是,前者仅能识别预定义的意图,执行动作以响应(WHAT to do),后者可以分析用户的问题,对复杂任务进行分解,并一步步执行动作,从而形成解决问题的一系列动作chain(HOW to do)。 LangChain能基于LLM对一个复杂问题构建reason-action chain,当然,Rasa也可以将该复杂问题看成一个意图,并添加对应...