The advent of new chronic conditions such as long COVID-19 raises the question of whether and, if so, how best to establish new disease registries for such conditions. Prompted by the potential need for a long COVID-19 registry, we examined experiences of existing UK disease registries to ...
“Agent based models are about to be the next technology revolution. In economics, we have shown2how agent-based models can make better real-time (before the fact) predictions than standard models. This is just the tip of a large iceberg …” ...
Based on the preceding findings, the focus of the current study was to (1) to identify and assess the outcomes and impacts of health research partnership arising from studies using tools with known theoretical, psychometric and pragmatic characteristics, and secondarily, to understand (2) what term...
The main sources of odour from a poultry farm are considered to be livestock, feed, housing, manure and waste and these are monitored by the Environment Agency. Odour modelling can provide an indication to whether the proposed new building is likely to result in a nuisance...
The enlarged inlet shows the region λ = 1.2–1.4, with excellent agreement between the different models. The purpose of the experiments herein described is to evaluate the effect of initial flaws on the tensile strength of the material, considering both the effect of the flaw size and of the...
Introduction The vigorous growth of the Chinese economy has increasingly connected China to the global economy. Meanwhile, China's energy consumption has grown rapidly, making her the world's leading emitter of greenhouse gases. The Chinese government has faced unprecedented pressure to reduce ...
真正的爱情就是两个人穿得起几千元的衣服 也能驾驭得了10多元的短裤背心 两个人吃得了哈根达斯 也能接受三块钱的甜筒 打得了出租 挤得下公交 两个人吃得起火锅烤肉 不砸得起几毛钱一串的地摊 不嫌弃对方的缺点 而更多的是包容 两个人吵架吵到天崩地裂几天不联系对方 也不会闹分手 ...
抖友们大家周末快乐!🌸🌸 抖友们大家周末快乐!🌸🌸 474 下雨也不忘#得瑟一下友友们周末愉快! ️ ️ 下雨也不忘#得瑟一下友友们周末愉快! ️ ️ 451 #家人们早上好美好的一天开始了 祝大家天天开心快乐! #家人们早上好美好的一天开始了 祝大家天天开心快乐! 463 #就这样牵着你的手...
抖音号:45279046189IP属地:河南 私信关注 关注私信 作品3 喜欢 搜索Ta 的作品 视频热门:二十四伎乐电视剧幸福到万家散步的蜗牛妈妈#你最讨厌的国家是哪个#Mg相亲后,我马上放弃谈了3年的女朋友,选择了家里给我介绍的相亲对象,父母考虑问题确实比我周全,看得比我长远。父母作为过来人,看的比我们明白。父母怎么...
“Agent based models are about to be the next technology revolution. In economics, we have shown2how agent-based models can make better real-time (before the fact) predictions than standard models. This is just the tip of a large iceberg …” ...